Sunday, November 30, 2014


The other day I watched Mockingjay and it was SO good! I loved every minute of it. Something that touched me very deeply was the bravery and courage of the people in the other districts who were rebelling against the capital. As I watched them stand up for what was right and attack the capital soldiers I couldn't help thinking about how the people in the front of the lines knew that they would be killed but they did it anyway. They were willing to sacrifice their own lives so that other people could carry on the fight and make a better life for future generations. I can't imagine the bravery and love that people like this possess! This scripture came to mind: "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." 

What struck me the most was that people are still doing things like this today. There are parts of the world that live under oppressive governments and there are people who are willing to sacrifice their lives for others. 

I love that this movie allows us to remember how blessed we are and to remember those who are still fighting for what is right.

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