Friday, November 7, 2014


The other day my husband and I watched The Giver. We really, really liked it. It was super uplifting and beautiful and made you really appreciate life and all that we are blessed with here on earth. But we went home and saw that on Rotten Tomatoes the "critics" had given it a 36% ! I usually like looking at Rotten Tomatoes, and a lot of times, after I watch stuuupid movies, I see that I could have avoided wasting 2 hours of my life by checking it first. But sometimes, there are wonderful movies that don't get very good reviews from the so-called critics.

This got us thinking about how so often, the movies that win Best Picture and things like that are obscure, R rated films that are full of violence, sex and profanity. Sometimes I wonder if "the critics" just loved to be shocked, and love to see awful things put on screen because it's "artistic" or "innovative." Well, I disagree. I think that movies can lack the shock factor, lack nudity and profanity and still be great movies.

P.S. I have no idea why they put Taylor Swift in this movie - it's nothing but distracting. I also think it's probably just for the publicity. Which is ridiculous. Also, every time I see a poster for The Giver with Taylor's face on it it drives me crazy because she was literally in it for like 2 minutes!

Anyways, yay for beautiful movies that make you feel good about life!! (And for posters that actually show the main characters in a movie). 


  1. I still need to seed this one! Glad to hear you liked it!
    And yeah, I don't usually use Rotten Tomatoes; I agree with you about the "artistic" thing - good movies don't HAVE to have shock value!

  2. That's funny about the Taylor Swift thing, I don't really care for her, and am sad to here that she's so distracting. I can't wait to see the film myself; however, I completely agree. I stopped looking up Rotten Tomatoes when then gave some crazy reviews about one film my whole family appreciated - everyone's a critic and that site doesn't help distinguish between common analysis and utter rude and foolishly misdirected assaults of verbal jealousy/diarrhea. Thanks again though for your own helpful and appropriate critique :-)

  3. I'm glad you commented on this movie. It looked like a good one and so I think I'll go out and see it in the next couple days. Thanks
