Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Science Behind Happiness

For the last few days I've been pretty tired and I've found myself having negative thoughts about my day and about the people around me. I'm in the habit of going to randomly when I find myself with a free moment or feel like I need some inspiration. Today I clicked on an article named
The Surprising Science Behind “Supremely Happy” People. I clicked on it and immediately realized that the reason I hadn't been happy the last few days was because I hadn't been WORKING AT IT! Happiness doesn't just knock on your door, you have to snatch it and put it into your life! I prayed and kept this in my mind all day and I've felt sooo much better because of it. I found myself smiling at random people and just being positive about everything!

1 comment:

  1. I'm really glad you posted this! I have found myself doing the same thing the last few weeks. I have never really thought of happiness in that way-- something you work for. I guess that makes sense when we desire or strive to do good things that in turn can bring us happiness. Thanks again for the article-- I really needed this today :)
