Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Google+ and LDS Temples

A little while ago I heard a story about a bishop who encouraged his ward to go to Google+ and write reviews about their church building. A little while later, a non-member family was in the area and wanted to go to church. The father looked up local churches on Google+ and found this ward's reviews. He took his family to the building and loved the service. He became interested in the church and they became baptized! 

I love this story so much. It's such a simple thing that I would never think to do but it can have such a big impact. I remembered this the other day and googled "church provo utah" and one of the first results was the Provo Utah LDS Temple. I clicked on it and saw that it's rating average was a 5. :) I read all the reviews and as I was reading couldn't help but be touched by the Spirit and think about how wonderful the temple is! It brings so much joy to people's lives and people only have good things to say about it. I love that those people took the time to review the temple and share the joy that it brings them.

I want to review my home temples and church buildings so that other people can see how much joy they bring and how many people love them!

1 comment:

  1. WHAT? That is so awesome! The church is true!!! Go amazing uses of media!
