Saturday, September 27, 2014

You Never Know

The other day I watched a Mormon Message about a mom who was overwhelmed with her to-do list. She is really frustrated throughout the day but in the end realizes how much she has helped others and how every single thing she did was worth it because she helped someone else.

I love this video. It reminds me that although there are so many things going on in our lives and sometimes we feel like we're not getting anywhere, we really are doing so much. Every time we do something unselfish or we listen to the Spirit, we are coming closer to Heaven and to our Savior.


  1. I love this video too! It's a nice reminder that the little things in life make all the difference.

  2. I loved this too. It brought such a sweet spirit!

  3. I loved this video too! It totally describes my life. Not that I'm a mom. Just as a college student, I feel like every day I am frantically running around trying to balance family, 2 jobs, 15 credit hours, an internship, and a social life. It's so easy to feel like I'm not doing enough. It's a nice reminder that the small, simple things I do to reach out to people each day can make a world of differece. I love media that offers us those simple, uplifting reminders!

  4. I absolutely loved how real this video was--- no mom wants to be frustrated with their kids, their day in general, and the little time they have to themselves. However, this video showed a genuine and realistic view of mom-life. Although, I don't have kids, it was a great reminder to me that I do more good than I know. I see myself fall short, but in God's eyes he sees me trying my best. In the end, all that matters is that we keep trying. Thanks for sharing such a great video!
