Thursday, October 9, 2014

Today I read this awesome article about a young couple who was told that their unborn baby had a very serious disease that would most likely take his life very shortly after birth. They made a bucket list of things to do throughout the baby's life (in the womb!). They took him all over while the mom was pregnant and blogged about it. After the baby was born, they baptized him and surrounded him with family. The baby died just a few short hours after birth.

I love this story! In a world where many mothers will abort a child after hearing of a disease they may have, this gives me so much hope. I love the power that one person can have in the world today because of social media. 


  1. I read that story too! So cool!

  2. Hopefully this sends a message to others in the same circumstance to do the same or something similar. That would be awesome not only for the baby, but mainly for the couple. I feel like they would grow and get to know each other a lot better as well.

  3. What an amazing story! I had no idea!
    This is a great example about the options and choices we can make to help another person live-- even if it's an unborn child. They will definitely have someone anxiously waiting for them in the next life :)

  4. Wow, really cool! Thanks for sharing.
