Sunday, December 7, 2014

It's Glorious!

Everyone had been talking about this song foreveerrr and I kept seeing links to it on Facebook but I just never watched it. The other day my mom made me because she LOVES it and I loved it too! It brought the Spirit so quickly and easily. :) I love the power of music.

The other day my New Testament teacher shared that before the Savior's suffering in Gethsemane He only did a few things to prepare... one thing the scriptures mention is that He sang a song with His disciples. :) I had never noticed that before. Music is such a beautiful part of this life and I'm so grateful for it.

He also showed us this quote: “We get nearer to the Lord through music than perhaps through any other thing except prayer.” - J. Reuben Clark

So if you're like me and somehow still haven't seen this video yet, here you go:

Where's the line?

The other day I was discussing with some friends where the line is between what's appropriate and what's not. We were talking about a video we had seen and I felt included inappropriate sexual innuendos. I let people know that it offended me a lot, because of how sacred I feel that physical intimacy is. Everyone else felt like it was a funny reference and wasn't offended by it. It's interesting how everyone has a different line that they agree with.