Saturday, September 27, 2014

You Never Know

The other day I watched a Mormon Message about a mom who was overwhelmed with her to-do list. She is really frustrated throughout the day but in the end realizes how much she has helped others and how every single thing she did was worth it because she helped someone else.

I love this video. It reminds me that although there are so many things going on in our lives and sometimes we feel like we're not getting anywhere, we really are doing so much. Every time we do something unselfish or we listen to the Spirit, we are coming closer to Heaven and to our Savior.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Bible Videos

I'm taking a New Testament class and I started watching the new Bible videos on the church's website to correspond with what I'm reading and I love them! I kept wanting to watch more and more. I love that there are so many ways we can learn of our Savior and study His life. These videos bring me so much peace and help me to remember why we are all here. I love that in literally two minutes you can feel like you're in another time and place, and can strengthen your testimony that Christ came to this earth.

If you want to be inspired and uplifted, you should watch them too! 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy was such a great movie! It was so funny, the music was great and it's just so fun to watch. I loved the humor in it. It was so clever. I love it when movies highlight humor that is clean. There are so many "comedies" that are full of filth and are not uplifting at all.

Also, I loved the music and the feeling the movie gives you. I left feeling so happy and optimistic about life! Also my favorite part is at the end where the little Groot is dancing! So cuutee! In case you want to watch it, I found a little clip on youtube!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Women and Makeup

The other day, Sarah Palin was leaving the gym and found her truck surrounded by paparazzi ready to take her picture. She knew they would sell the pictures and then there would be some huge tabloid in a magazine showing her without makeup. So she decided to post the pictures herself! Here's her post:

(Sarah Palin/Facebook)

I love it. Media has made so many people believe that women have to be wearing makeup to be presentable. And this has skewed the mindsets of men and women. I've heard of wives who refuse to let their husbands see them without makeup in the morning, so they get up before them to get ready so that their husband can see their perfectly painted faces before he leaves for work.

What the heck!? That is c r a z y.

Women are not simply objects of beauty who all have to look the same and have the same perfect eyeliner and blush on every single day to be women. Women are just people! They have good days and bad days, they can wear makeup when they want and should feel comfortable without it as well. I hate that every movie with a female interest has the same body, the same hair and the same perfect makeup. Even TV shows with teenage girls show them with perfect faces. Why can't they just show the actors as they really are, with their naturally pretty faces? It's so weird.

Anyway, I like makeup. But goodness, I wish we could all feel more comfortable in our own skin and not feel like we have to look like the perfect faces on TV to look pretty every single moment of every day. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

WHY Do We Fall in Love With TV Shows?

While reflecting on why I have been so attached to certain T.V. shows in the past, it's been hard to pinpoint the reasons. Some shows are so silly or overblown with crazy drama and I'm sometimes embarrassed at how much I loved them. (Glee!)

I think that the reason might be that we just love people.Writers are so good at making their characters believable and interesting. Sometimes we don't even like a character but we just can't get enough of them!

Maybe the big reason we get sucked in is because of how much we like people and getting to know them. In dramas we get to know people we would never meet in real life; we get to see inside of them and analyze why they act the way they do. I think it might just fulfill a universal need we all have for connecting with and caring about other human beings.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Yahoo! News

I have realized something that annoys me about what Yahoo News puts on it's front page. There are always sleazy, celebrity focused articles with titles that catch your attention. From today, 

"Kris Jenner Suffers a Wardrobe Malfunction: Flashes Butt in Minidress" Who doesn't want to see more details about that? And even when an article has nothing to do with someone's appearance, it will often show pictures of the subject in scantily clad clothes. (Oftentimes the picture has nothing whatsoever to do with the article). 

It is so weird what companies will do to get you to click. It is also very sad that what catches our attention these days is often cheap, indecent or just plan ridiculous.